Advanced Hull Inspections
By Actual BoatBuilders
What do you do if you have moisture or you think you may have delamination present in a vessel that you own or may want to purchase?--- BEFORE you buy any boat, sail or power, call us in. The boat may be a candidite for Advanced Hull Inspections using THERMAL IMAGING, SONIC TESTING/ACOUSTIC RESONANCE TESTING and now LAMINATE CORE SAMPLE TESTING by Actual Boat Builders!!!

Hull Core Sampling and Consulting
ISO 10354 / ASTM D3762

We have the ability to take a small core sample from the transom, hull, decks, stringers and frames to test for Delamination and Core Separation.
Our custom processs uses the latest technology to assess the sample using the 'Wedge Test Force Machine for Composites" We use the ISO10354 and the ASTM D3762 standards for comparisons.
Author---Look for our New Book, "Testing of Boat Composites", coming soon to New York Area Book Stores and Online!!!

Naval Designer/Boat Builder
Member: ASNE (American Society of Naval Engineers)
As a naval designer who has engineered and built many marine boats and marine products, John understands how boats are built and what types of stress and strain might happen.
John is currently designing and building new and advanced high performance Hydroplane racing boats and performace composite structures which allows him to be on the cutting edge of marine technology.

Repair Consulting/Repair Standards
Member: IAMI (International Assoc. of Marine Investigators)
Member: ABYC (American Boat and Yacht Council)
Member: ABBRA (American Boat Builders and Repairers Association)
As current boat builders and boat repairers, we follow and review boats based on industry and ABYC and ABBRA standards and practices. We can help to make sure that your boat and yacht repairs are done properly and we have the ability to take core samples from these repair areas and test using the latest technology. (Make sure the repair is done correctly. Some yards are now having junior people making these complicated repairs that you may never see)